Agency/Spa/Club Name, Companion's Handle: St James, H*****y
Date of Visit: 4/10/2021
Preferred Method of Contact: in club
Phone Number:
Email Address:
Website, Ad, or Profile URL:
City, State: Houston, TX
Location: I-45N
Type of Visit: in club
Was the Appointment On-Time??
Activities: dances
and mutual intimacy
Length of Visit: 4 songs
Donation: 4 songs
Approximate age of Companion: late 20s
Hair Color and Length: dyed blonde little passed shoulders
Smoking Status:
Ethnic/Racial background: Cuban
Companion Description: Slender
Nice round, toned bottom
Long legs
5'5" w/o heels???
Meet or Exceed Your Expectations?? no
Would you recommend this Agency/Spa?? yes
Would You Recommend this Companion?? no

Public comments:
I recently started going to St James with a friend. My friend claims he is a pro.

St James is alive and loaded with nice eye-candies! So far St James is the best club for the hottest girls in Houston ATM. Treasures sucks now.................

We sat down and ordered drinks and briefly looked at the menu. Ripoff prices unless you get a bucket of beers. $12 for wells, WTF???? Immediately as we sat down a 30+ Mexicana sat down and started talking with us. She wasn't our type so we just basically ignored her.

All the hotties would not come to our table. These girls know who to milk the

For 45 minutes or so we were just drinking and tipping on stage 2 and 3. My friend and I never go to main stage to tip. We know ....ALL the idiots are there trying to be high rollers by flaunting their Ones trying to impress the girl on stage 1. Then occasionally you have a grandpa in the VIP room showering Ones from above. LoL...Make it rain!!!!

Then I saw one of the hottest Latina come in so I approached her at the bar. Told H******** I like some dances. She gave me a HUGE smile and said of course!

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