The problem with "fake news" is how it's being bantered about.

Personally, there are a couple of people that constantly participate in this forum that have one message, eye roll, and tend towards being boorish. No one is going to change their minds by these opinion topics. Not sure if that's the point or if some people just like to pontificate a lot (Elisabeth will raise her hand on that one!).

If anyone hasn't seen the documentary, watching "Get me Roger Stone" has opened up my eyes about HOW Trump, and other's of his elk, have attempted to sabotage so much. I have other things to do this morning and not trying to change anyone's opinion.

But that documentary was sickening as well as eye opening. At least Stone is honest, honest ... haha ... about how he goes about changing opinion and how he (personally) deals with those that he doesn't like.

And it explains a lot.

Past has proven that all Presidents lie to some point. News can certainly show leanings towards conservatism and liberal ideologies.

But some politicians are gas lighters. Sometimes, a person will look in your eye and show you a golf ball that he's holding and then will say, "I'm not holding a golf ball."

That is what Trump does ALL of the time. That has been MY concern. Not the Republican or Democratic portion of things although that's a concern, too.

'Nuff said. Have a busy morning and have to run.
