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Thread: What Exactly Is Make America Great Again?

  1. #16
    Verified Hobbyist BCD Agent220's Avatar
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    Apr 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by proteus317 View Post
    MAGA is different things to different people. To white supremacists, there is no perversion of MAGA. To other MAGAtarians, there is no perversion. They can just say, "That's not me."
    Those saying that's not me or not acknowledge the discriminatory practices still held today in 2018 are more dangerous than Klan or white power groups.
    220: "2econd 2 n0ne"

    "Someday if you're lucky, you will wake up and realize you are old...your belly will go soft, your pretty ass will sag, your back will ache in the night; gray hairs will sprout from your ears. Make sure you fucked your fill before that day!"

    Oberian Martell "The Red Viper"...Game of Thrones

  2. #17
    Verified Hobbyist BCD YssupRider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gfejunkie View Post
    Why bother? Your mind is already made up. No answer we could give would change that. In a way you're like Kim Jong Un. You've already shown us your hand.
    So then MAGA isn’t a list of accomplishments or a set of goals or a — this might be a stretch — plan, but a belief system?

    Only the open=minded may embrace the buttery goodness of MAGA?

    Is it possible that not everybody shares the belief that this country was in the shitter before Drumpf? In fact the majority of Americans supported the very policies, plans and blueprints to Keep America Great that the GOP cockblcked for six years. McConnell and the rest of his jolly pack of Trojans took that away from us. Now Trumpler is going to save us from ... McConnell?

    You’re right, Boss. Why bother?

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