I've had an unexpected cancellation tonight at my hotel in Spring, so can host one gentleman after 6 p.m. Alas, no newbies this eve, sorry, only a fine fellow who has either visited me before, been pre-verified by me, or who has references I can check expediently. (I won't have time to screen otherwise.)

Choose from these special rates, good TONIGHT only:

SNACK ATTACK, a salaciously satisfying 30 minutes of shillelagh polishing and Blarney Stone kissing, $100!

Full Fanciful Buffet, one hour of my MSOG menu, just $180! Make it a leisurely lusty interlude of 90 minutes with an Irish sexpert for only $220!

Please see my signature line below for contact info, and a link for more information. Best to text me today, please. Thanks!