<span style="font-family:Verdana">Hello Everyone!! : )

It&#39;s Karlie, a.k.a. Sweet Texas Honey, ASPD member since &#39;09. I have benefited greatly from the community that is (was?) aspd, so I would like to introduce myself to the new forum.

Greetings!! Kisses!! Flirtatious Come-Hither Glances!!

I look forward to meeting all of you lovely ladies and gentlemen, and am more than happy to help with community-building, networking, info exchange, and any other support necessary for the continued success of this hobby board. ASPD was such a great community resource and so helpful to me and others. I would like its legacy to continue on in whatever form possible, so that our covert community will always have a space to connect with others, so that we may all play safely and successful!y!

I&#39;m looking forward to the new forum, and I wish everyone a happy and prosperous New Year!!

