update at 11:42 am Monday, March 30

Admins haven't quite finished the testing but we do know that 200,000 threads are intact and in working order. Another 100,000 threads are present, but not working properly. Repairs to the latter group of threads and continued upgrades and repairs to the site continue.

update at 11:22 am Saturday, March 28

ASPD admins have been given the go-ahead by the programmer to test the rebuilt aspd for bugs, defects, etc. We started doing that last night and will finish this weekend. We've already found a few defaults and some successes (yea!), too and alerted the programmers to work on those. No absolutely firm date for the restore as yet, but we do appear to be closing in on that. Please think "cautious optimism."

update at 7:15 am Thursday, March 26

Well, all I've heard so far this week is another data base glitch discovered that needs resolution before the programmers can get the Mother Ship back on line. Not bad news, per se, because they say it may be resolved relatively quickly. But we're still nowhere near a date for full return.

update at 7:00 am Sunday, March 22

I'm told to expect to hear Monday or Tuesday a firm date for aspd's return. The work has progressed but due to glitches is not yet finished, but is much closer. I now have access to the full aspd member profile data base and can validate new home2 registrations more quickly.

update at 7:05 a.m. Tuesday, March 17

Well, the programmer told me last night we were getting closer, but last night the database server went out and thus the new message on the aspd front page. That could be a hardware issue, he thinks.

update at 4:35 p.m. 14 March

I'm told that some of the software upgrades have been completed but it is a slow process because each software upgrade must be then tested. The programmer is checking backup files.

update at 8:45 a.m. 8 March

I was told yesterday we should "expect to hear something on Monday."

update at 9:15 a.m. 6 March

Staff collectively scratching heads (the big ones) since we have heard nothing overnight regarding restoration efforts and we are barely a day away from a month's worth of blackout. I'm hoping the silence means the crew back stage is too busy working to respond to email or phone call.

Since it appears the outage may continue, and since many members have asked for some forum expansions, those are underway.

I'd also ask that members here check and see if "buddies" from aspd are here or not, and if not, send them directions so they can retain a communications link within the community.

update at 4:45 pm 5 March

Well, the aspd mailer got fixed last night and mail traffic into support continues and we are explaining to those who haven't figured it out that the site is down, but it is on the way back. Wish I knew exactly when, and the reality is none of us doesand until the programmer gives us a better idea well, patience, please.

We do have another minor issue for aspd-ers registering here at present since the active data base went off line Monday night for the major repair. Support doesn't have access to that data, but we do have extensive back-up data so we can at least confirm a member's positive idea by email address and user name. For the few we can't immediately confirm, we ask that they contact known members for a vouch.

We have had questions about paid bcd and advertising, and the board owner says there will be extensions and adjustments to compensate for the lost time.

For members who fear their earned bcd might be expiring, or for those who are trying to earn bcd, the posting deadlines will be extended and relaxed. Staff is discussing how long the extensions will be following site restoration and nothing definite as yet. But staff will be generous in the matter.

update at 1:45 pm 4 March

A minor complication is that the aspd mailer (@aspd.net) has conked out. That won't complicate or extend the rebuild.

Update at 0820 4 March 2009

New operating system is in place and the reload continues. We do not have an absolute time for "re-entry" but hopefully later today.


Mar 3 2009, 09:03 PM

<span style="font-family:century">For those (like me) who continue to type in the aspd address and see only a front page and tonight notice that in the past hour it is not there....

...the programmers took it off line (finally) to commence the reloads. And, simply, they forgot to put in a "redirect" to another server with message stating that.

How long will it take and how successful will the reload will be?

It will take a while, but we do now seem to have some light coming over the horizon and the aspd blackout is close to an end.

Your patience and support are deeply appreciated.

Amber has had serious health issues for many months -- she said tonight she will post her own explanation of the outage once the board is back on line. She has been paying attention and promises to do so even more in the future as she is able.

We conversate on the phone almost daily and despite great pain, she has been able to help direct the recovery.

It may be premature of me to pose this since it has been a long 3+ weeks and we are not quite "there" yet.

But I sense that a significant portion of the community has learned a lot, bonded a bit, and discovered new inner strengths and external resources.

Bravo! to all of you and please keep Amber in your prayers.