After taking some time to really think about this and come up with the right response, here is it.

First of all I'd like to say to everyone, thank you for the emails/PMs/calls concerning this. As I said to you all who responded, there's no need to bring up the whole story about what happened. Although Husker had made the public apology, there's no need for everyone to know the whole story. I want to thank Husker for making his apology and owning up to what he did. If I choose to keep him as a friend, that's between us and I haven't made that decision yet. But, I don't want anyone on any of the boards/groups to think badly of him or blame him for me not making my trip to KC. I've been sick with pneumonia and now I'm finally back to myself and will start seeing clients again.

I do have something to point out to everyone though. Trust is all we have in this business, if the trust is broken between us, there's never a happy ending. Whether the trust is between providers/clients or provider/provider or hobbyist/hobbyist. The trust we put in each other is something that should NEVER be taken for granted and is something that should be treasured.

Hopefully this all makes sense to everyone.

Thank you,