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Thread: An sincere curiosity after a thought was planted in my mind, this community will know

  1. #1
    Registered Male (Not Verified)
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    An sincere curiosity after a thought was planted in my mind, this community will know

    I'm going to try to be as to the point with this as possible but if a bird walk a bit or ramble on more than most do, just know it's my thoughts expressing some sincere curiosities. I assure you, there is no bragging here. I do believe that someone or some many here has some insight that I need, and I am thinking in particular of the ladies of this community but gentlemen please do throw in, everyone has probbly done / seen some things I have never even considered so respect to all of you in advance and thank you for anyone who attempts to legitimately answer my post.

    Preface, I've always been a little jealous of the ladies. They are able to bring a man to his knees with the sensuality and sexuality they posses. I mean let's be real. amazon has a best selling book titled "the power of the pussy" I don't even have to read it. It's beyond clear to me what the general theme and ultimate point is. Anyone ever even seen a hint of a book, movie, short story or essay titled "the power of the dick". Right.

    On with the story. I have been dating outside of hobbying quite a bit recently. I seem to consistently attract younger women. Maybe that's because of the "hookup generation" that goes along with the age. I will say I don't do shady shit, it's always legal but the last one was 18 and that for me was almost... well... how do I say... I guess I quickly learned why she was so willing to have sexual encounters so easily and i would not say it was based on having been exposed to sex in a healthy way. She was intelligent though and overall had a dam good heart. Not perfect, a little manipulative, a little too entitled for her good. None of that bothered me as hey, 18 I mean she has lots of time to learn how to become the person she wants to be. I'll also say I really didn't pick her she picked me. And for as long as I have hobbied it was almost weird enjoying intimate relations with someone who was not requiring money for it. I mean if your in a relation that is obviously normal, but wow. I appreciate every person I meet and especially the ones I get to know intimately. I don't know how others view relationships with people, but I have long chosen to have one of savoring every moment and appreciating every opportunity. Because nothing lasts forever in life. Genuine connections or even amazing encounters (thank you ladies of the board for those) are not as common as movies and media make them out to be. This girl and I talked a lot too. (can you tell I like to use wrods and communicate a bit? Oh... silly me ;)

    To the point of the question. This girl told me... and I know she is right because it is something I have been told I am VERY good at, and that is VERY intentional, and practiced and because I just love to do it, that I should CHARGE WOMEN to provide oral sex with a guarantee of orgasm or no need to pay. I was blown away. Because I have always been jealous of the power of pussy. I like sex a lot, and I like meeting many different people who are open to it and are willing to have sex with me. I do believe women have a much greater selection and an easier time grabbing up a partner than most men do. AND DAMNIT they can if they choose bring in what after covid (and honestly even before) turned into like the highest amount of money anyone who works makes an hour. Am I envious? I'm not supposed to envy, but yes I am.

    So I could not believe that this girl would say such a thing. I thought she was joking. I still don't believe her. After all she's only 18. But I have to ask, as I do know that it has become more common for example to have male masseuses provide happy endings to women at massage parlors. A fairly new thing and one that thoroughly impresses me. YOU GO GIRLS and welcome to the AMP world (or would it be MMP for you girls.

    So, would any woman actually pay to be pleasured orally by a not too old decently attractive highly attentive and motivated gent who is super easy to talk to and only scares people because he's is not a tiny man... (I do good hugs and make my girls feel safe) that licks pussy non stop with so much enthusiam and skill to an absolutely guaranteed orgasm... (the hardest part it when you girls have to push me away because you are quivering from the orgasm and I guess you get so sensitive you need to let yourself settle for a bit)... its especially hard when it happens so fast... that's a common round two occurrence as after round one you get dialed in on which particular areas are most appreciated and the timing and unique motions most enjoyed but I so want to keep going. I also offer to continue for another after that. I've met women who struggle with their comfort level in terms of sexuality and there's a lot of time required to break down those walls. I highly encourage and quickly respond to any communication. Talk to me baby, you know what you like I'm your sex slave tell me what you want) 6 hours was the longest. I so ready to pull off a 24 hour session but non one has needed yet.

    I don't know... it's not a big deal, but if I could do that, it would really be something I would enjoy. Because there's a big part of me that really likes to see people enjoy their sexuality and be happy. And hey, I probably wouldn't get rich doing it because she said "for 50 bucks" but that's money I can use for all sorts of things. I mean I would love to be able to bring pleasure to as many people as I was able. I just don't think I have the power of the pussy, but I haven't met one that I didn't simply love. When you girls get so wet I get covered with it.... oh... thank you for being you.

    Is what she suggested within the realms of actual reallity or was she just naive? Maybe its the younger generation in her area thinking this way... I have no idea. But someone please let me know your thoughts... and obviously a provider would likely not but a woman out there working her 9-5 or struggling as a single mom or having a bad day. An orgasm is a health improving experience.

    I can't wait to hear what people say. And flame away too if you want, I am always impressed with peoples ability to bring their angst out of themselves and direct it at someone else. I would probably welcome you to my couch for a talk about how your relationship with your parents was growing up. Try not run when that happens. ;)
    Last edited by KDELTO; 05-14-2024 at 02:07 PM.

  2. #2
    Verified Hobbyist BCD
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    "I'm going to try to be as to the point as possible".
    400 words later.
    Still no point!!!

  3. #3
    Verified Hobbyist BCD dodger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by knottyman View Post
    Still no point!!!
    Not like you. It was there … just camouflaged as background
    A provider standing in the shadows once said: "I just can't do civvie sex. I'm too fucking spoiled!" (truth)

    For ladies who can’t be bothered reading profiles: … old guy … long hair and full beard … not a stud muffin … not every woman’s dream … but polite ... very, very gfe, smooching, cuddling ... more smooching

  4. #4
    Verified Companion Companion britttany_love's Avatar
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    So what I get for your post are asking if ladies will pay you to eat their pussy?

    As a woman it doesn't matter your age, ethnicity or body type there is always some guy that will fuck you. So having to pay for it would never be something I personally would consider.

    I will say however anytime a guy has bragged to me that they "are the best" at something have always been a subpar experience. The silent ones are the guys who always blow my mind. The guys who have to try to "sell their" dick to me and tell me how attractive they are is a huge turn off. I don't partake much in civie sex these days to much work to be let down. If I'm fucking I'm getting something out of it.. why I do sex work.
    Last edited by britttany_love; 05-14-2024 at 04:16 PM.

  5. #5
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    Thanks for your honesty I expected nothing less and yup I pretty much think you are r

    Yeah that was long post been a lot on my mind lately. I would never expect a woman here to pay anyone for anything sexually. But I know they do. Just in ways the don't realize. I was just wondering about the others mainly. There are a lot of different people out there.

    I have never heard someone suggest such a thing, that's why it made me think so much.

    To the one who implied I said I was the best, well no I didn't. I don't know how I could even know that. I am not basing any of what I said on my personal opinion of myself.

    I do find some of the responses pretty interesting. The attitude of "oh I get paid for providing so I would never pay for it" implies so many negative things about anyone who does. But hey, you work hard, your proud, your in demand, why not just let people know that your ne of those people who thinks that what people do for you is beneath you.

    I am sure what you do you do really well and you attract enough clientele to make is very lucrative. That is really good for you.

    Someday that will change. Dramatically. And you will live a very different life. What you want won't be there anymore.

    I like people who keep the big picture in mind and try to stay humble even when they got some hot shit. Those people are attractive and well worth heavily investing in. People stuck on this selves just... sadly... and maybe not fully intentionally, but truly, slowly grow dark and ugly from the inside out.

    I hope this isn't you.

  6. #6
    Registered Male (Not Verified)
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    You obviously come from the more recently born set of folks in the world. Before computers, TV's and shit that restricted how many letters you coule publish writing was the only form of communication beyond speaking. Articles were so long that by today standards they would be considered essays or short stories. I like to use my words and I read a lot. I'm sorry it was a difficult thing for you to get through 400 words. It's really not your fault, the world you've come up in has intentionally shortened your attention span made you unable to comprehend written form or complex statements and completely stunted your ability to recognize that on the other side of the words being written is a person. If you don't understand it or find the point the first time read it again. It's obvious someone did. Clearly demonstrating your impacted level if intellect. It's also painfully obvious that for you, because someone didn't treat you quite right or continues to not treat you right the only way you can feel good is to lash out and insult others. How's that working for you? Because when I read your post, I felt sorry for you. I'm over it now but it reminds me again of this sad reality; the majority of the population is below average intelligence. I'm sorry your one of em. It can be fixed but you have to care to try.

    Warmest Regards "knottyman"

    Quote Originally Posted by knottyman View Post
    "I'm going to try to be as to the point as possible".
    400 words later.
    Still no point!!!
    Last edited by KDELTO; 05-14-2024 at 05:32 PM.

  7. #7
    Verified Companion Companion Slave Guinevere's Avatar
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    You know...

    There is a market for everyone and everything...

    I think that women should have a site where they can order up a MAN like they do pizza... Seriously... I understand this world and once, I leave, I would pay a man to come and go...

    I love both men and women and I am not as emotional as most people but I do love to be affectionate at times and have sex and then, I like my alone times... Why not compensate someone for their time?

    I do not require your services at this particular time and like Ms. Britttany I tend to be attracted to a different type of presentation but that does not mean that you could not do well at this type of work.. You just have to find the right place to market your WARES...

    Best of luck to you...

    Be nice to ALL OF THE LADIES... 😉


    And don't be mean to MY DODGER...I am sending him some subliminal messages to his VCR.. Yes, I meant the VCR... He's OLD SCHOOL and he needs something to help him get through the lonely nights...😘😈

  8. #8
    Verified Companion Companion britttany_love's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KDELTO View Post
    Yeah that was long post been a lot on my mind lately. I would never expect a woman here to pay anyone for anything sexually. But I know they do. Just in ways the don't realize. I was just wondering about the others mainly. There are a lot of different people out there.

    I have never heard someone suggest such a thing, that's why it made me think so much.

    To the one who implied I said I was the best, well no I didn't. I don't know how I could even know that. I am not basing any of what I said on my personal opinion of myself.

    I do find some of the responses pretty interesting. The attitude of "oh I get paid for providing so I would never pay for it" implies so many negative things about anyone who does. But hey, you work hard, your proud, your in demand, why not just let people know that your ne of those people who thinks that what people do for you is beneath you.

    I am sure what you do you do really well and you attract enough clientele to make is very lucrative. That is really good for you.

    Someday that will change. Dramatically. And you will live a very different life. What you want won't be there anymore.

    I like people who keep the big picture in mind and try to stay humble even when they got some hot shit. Those people are attractive and well worth heavily investing in. People stuck on this selves just... sadly... and maybe not fully intentionally, but truly, slowly grow dark and ugly from the inside out.

    I hope this isn't you.
    My dude you are reading stuff that is not there.

    You are on a site where the ladies are paid to spend time with you. We are not here to pay you to pleasure us. We are not the market to ask such a question because for most of us it's a no.

    I'm sorry but you asked for feedback and you got the blunt honest truth. Yes there are a few paid male companions but that is a small market and not the norm.

    Your long post here was more of a subtle brag and an attempt to toot your own horn because some 18 year old told you that you should charge women for your amazing oral skills. I mean you could have just came out and asked the question... can you make it as a male escort? That's what your were getting at with all of that you posted.

    There was no attitude whatsoever or disrespect by me to any sex worker or gentlemen who pays. I said women don't have to pay to get sex... truth. That "I" personally would not pay for sex... truth.. that "I" no longer fuck for free in the civie world... truth... and that if I'm going to suffer through a bad lay then I'm atleaat going to get paid for it...truth...hence the reason I'm a sex worker.

    As for the bigger picture there isn't one...reality is women don't have to pay for sex because no matter what someone will fuck us. I'm sorry you didn't like my answer but no I wouldn't pay a man to eat me out when I can get it for free or my sweeties who book me love to do it. Nothing to sugar coat here..we are on this site for a reason.

  9. #9
    Verified Companion Companion Slave Guinevere's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by britttany_love View Post
    My dude you are reading stuff that is not there.

    You are on a site where the ladies are paid to spend time with you. We are not here to pay you to pleasure us. We are not the market to ask such a question because for most of us it's a no.

    I'm sorry but you asked for feedback and you got the blunt honest truth. Yes there are a few paid male companions but that is a small market and not the norm.

    Your long post here was more of a subtle brag and an attempt to toot your own horn because some 18 year old told you that you should charge women for your amazing oral skills. I mean you could have just came out and asked the question... can you make it as a male escort? That's what your were getting at with all of that you posted.

    There was no attitude whatsoever or disrespect by me to any sex worker or gentlemen who pays. I said women don't have to pay to get sex... truth. That "I" personally would not pay for sex... truth.. that "I" no longer fuck for free in the civie world... truth... and that if I'm going to suffer through a bad lay then I'm atleaat going to get paid for it...truth...hence the reason I'm a sex worker.

    As for the bigger picture there isn't one...reality is women don't have to pay for sex because no matter what someone will fuck us. I'm sorry you didn't like my answer but no I wouldn't pay a man to eat me out when I can get it for free or my sweeties who book me love to do it. Nothing to sugar coat here..we are on this site for a reason.
    Hey Beautiful...

    There is a Houston guy that has a lot of handles... You might know him... Pittroom/Hypesuh...the list goes on and on and on...

    I'm not saying that it is this guy... But, this thread is similar to the ones that he has created on eccie recently...just fyi...

    He has the Houston gals really upset...for good reason... I think he might be looking for a new home...😬😳🥸

    I've been hiding behind TSWD PANTALOONS on Eccie... Things got really HEATED yesterday when Pitroom got his first review on his first BBBJ... Sigh... Things took a definite LEFT..😳

    I'M going to go help Dodger with his computer issues... Poor man may never get his online services back if I am his IT 😂

  10. #10
    Verified Companion Companion britttany_love's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slave Guinevere View Post
    Hey Beautiful...

    There is a Houston guy that has a lot of handles... You might know him... Pittroom/Hypesuh...the list goes on and on and on...

    I'm not saying that it is this guy... But, this thread is similar to the ones that he has created on eccie recently...just fyi...

    He has the Houston gals really upset...for good reason... I think he might be looking for a new home...😬😳🥸

    I've been hiding behind TSWD PANTALOONS on Eccie... Things got really HEATED yesterday when Pitroom got his first review on his first BBBJ... Sigh... Things took a definite LEFT..😳

    I'M going to go help Dodger with his computer issues... Poor man may never get his online services back if I am his IT 😂

    It's been awhile since I ruffled a few feathers and lucky me I have time to burn. Bless his heart!

  11. #11
    Verified Companion Companion SexySammy's Avatar
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    Yeah unfortunately there's just not as big of a market for women looking to pay for pleasure vs men looking. For a plethora of reasons that some folks probably don't want to hear.. but let's say there's a guy who thinks he's hot shit looks wise but he has a shitty personality and compare him to a hot chick who's as dumb as a box of rocks, who do you think is going to have a harder time getting laid? Certainly not the woman because at the end of the day, a hot chick can always get laid. Even with a woman who just loves having sex (like most hobbyist), she will have zero problems getting that for free. Personally I could never justify spending any amount of money for sex and I love it lol and just have no need to with the plenty of men doing it for free.

    So in other words, yes she is just young and dumb, there's a very small niche for this and not near as lucrative. And yes there were too many words involved, especially with the play by play, as if the description would somehow change the outcome of asking a bunch of female companions if they would pay to play lol

    Sidenote: BIGGEST pet peeve are the hobbyist who have said "you should be paying me for this dick", and they weren't near as great as they seemed to of thought lol
    Last edited by SexySammy; 05-14-2024 at 06:27 PM.
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  12. #12
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    If ladies want mediocre, they can get it at Little Caesars for 6.99

  13. #13
    Verified Companion Companion Slave Guinevere's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by britttany_love View Post

    It's been awhile since I ruffled a few feathers and lucky me I have time to burn. Bless his heart!
    I LOVE THIS!!❤️ 😘

    I feel like we are in a HOT WRESTLING MATCH... I roll out and in steps BEAUTIFUL B & SEXXXY S...

    I feel like we are on an episode of "Glow"...

  14. #14
    Verified Companion Companion VikkiLyn's Avatar
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    In all honesty I'm too cheap to pay for something I can easily get for free... next time you and your 18 year old meet you should charge her and make her your first client

  15. #15
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    Dude, do you seriously think you can ask a plumber if he'll pay you to fix the toilet in his house?
    Last edited by scerpio; 05-14-2024 at 08:36 PM.

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